
Projects 2016

  • Dupa datini, colindam – 20 decembrie 2016 – Concert de CraciunAula Magna a Facultății de Drept – grupurile corale Sound și Vox Medicalis va invita sa redescoperiti impreuna cu membrii lor bucuriile Craciunului prin colind, prin povestea Nasterii Mantuitorului, prin comuniune. Vom copilari impreuna, vom visa si ne vom ura pentru anul care vine.
  • Zurgalai de fapte bune – 16 decembrie, ora 19.15 te invităm la un concert caritabil de colinde susţinut de SOUND Choir, dirijor Dl. Voicu Popescu, la Catedrala romano-catolică Sf. Iosif din Bucureşti (Str. General H.M. Berthelot, nr. 19). Donaţiile vor susţine tratamentul stomatologic al copiilor de la sat, al copiilor de la Institutul Oncologic Bucureşti şi al copiilor din centre de plasament şi din cartiere sărace prin proiectul „Caravana Zâna Merciluţă” care va începe în februarie 2017.
  • VIA SOUND – 10 – 16 octombrie 2016 – Corul SOUND din Bucureşti va face un turneu în Ungaria unde va prezenta mai multe spectacole, abordând un repertoriu care cuprinde muzică corală românească. Proiectul VIA SOUND – Vizibilitate Internațională și Acces la cultura românească cu corul SOUND – proiect cultural finanțat de Institutului Cultural Român (ICR) prin programul CentenArt – își propune promovarea culturii și creației românești prin organizarea unei serii de 4 concerte de muzică corală românească (tradițională și contemporană). Corul va susţine primul concert la Jula/Gyula marţi, 11 octombrie orele 18.00 la Catedrala Sfântul Nicolae. Repertoriul ales pentru construirea întregului spectacol aminteşte de traseul iniţiatic al principalelor momente ale Vieții, elemente care au inspirat creațiile folclorice din cele mai vechi timpuri. Spectacolul va întruchipa muzical și corporal – într-o manieră artistică specifică interpretării corale – emoția și spiritul fiecărui mare moment al Vieții. Trăiri puternice ca bucuria, tristețea, melancolia, dorul doinit și dragostea, rugăciunea în momentele de cumpănă, bocetul când ai pierdut pe cineva drag, recunoștința pentru binecuvântările vieții, toate sunt oglindite prin prelucrări complexe de divertisment, dans și satiră ale folclorul autentic, dar și cu lucrări religioase românești. Turneul isi propune 4 opriri:
  • 11 octombrie 2016, ora 18.00, la Catedrala Sf. Nicolae din Jula
  • 12 octombrie, ora 18.00, Biserica Reformata din Csabdi
  • 14 octombrie ora 19.00, Biserica Sfantul Francisc de Assisi din Budapesta
  • 15 octombrie ora 19.00, Casa Dialogului din Budapesta. 
  •  Jam Session Corul SOUND & Solartis Quartet – 09 octombrie 2016, ora 19.00, Teatrul National, Sala Media, Bucuresti – Fundația Culturală Sound vă invită la concertul de muzică corală românească din cadrul proiectului SOUND SUBTERAN, avandu-i ca invitați speciali pe Constantin Răileanu (ansamblul Anton Pann) și Solartis Quartet.
  • Anamorfoze – 01 octombrie 2016, ora 20.00 – concert drifting, Teatrul National, Sala Media, Bucuresti
  • Sound Underground la Descult in Iarba – 25 septembrie 2016. ora 19.00 –  Insula Artelor, Parcul IOR, Corul Sound  canta in aer liber in cadrul proiectului Desculț in Iarbă. INTRAREA: 1 PET sau o doza de aluminiu, reciclate si turtite bine :) Te bucuri de muzica si te implici activ in campania “Nu lasa PETe in urma ta”.
  • Sound Subteran la Cetatea Râșnov (jud. Brașov) – 17 septembrie 2016, ora 17.00
  • Noaptea de Sanziene– 23 iunie 2016, Muzeul National de Arta – Tarziu, dupa ce Soarele doarme dus, aproape de miezul noptii, ne pornim pasul si cantecul, prin curtea MNAR. Programul serii incepe de la ora 19.30 si sta sub semnul lui Brâncuşi şi al Cuminţeniei Pământului
  • Sound Subteran, în Salina Turda– 19 iunie 2016 – Salina Turda și Fundația Culturală Sound au gazduit concertul de muzică corală românească din cadrul proiectului SOUND SUBTERAN – Festival itinerant, proiect cultural co-finanțat de Administrația Fondului Cultural Național.
  • Sound subteran în Biserica Unitariană din Cluj şi la Salina Turda – 18 iunie 2016 – Concertul de la Biserica Unitariană a avut loc în cadrul evenimentului Porțile deschise ale unitarienilor din Cluj.
  • SOUND SUBTERAN LA PIETROASELE, BUZĂU –  11 iunie – Crama din cadrul Stațiunii de Cercetare Dezvoltare pentru Viticultură și Vinificație Pietroasă, comuna Pietroasele, Buzău, la primul concert de muzică corală românească din cadrul proiectului SOUND SUBTERAN.
  • Festival coral itinerant în cramele, salinele și peșterile României – 11 iunie 2016 – crama de la Pietroasele (judetul Buzău), 19 iunie 2016 – Salina Turda (judetul Cluj), 17 septembrie 2016 – Peștera Valea Cetății Râșnov (judetul Brașov) După mai mult de 20 de ani de activitate artistică pe scenele nationale și internationale, Corul SOUND al Casei de Cultură a Studentilor din București initiază un proiect curajos și dinamic, de data aceasta nu pe scenele de suprafată, ci pe cele de „sub pământ”ale României. De-a lungul acestui an, SOUND va coborî în măruntaiele pământului pentru a experimenta acustica spatiului interior, neconventional, al Terrei.
  •  Itinerant Underground Choral Festival –   inside music – this project will make the underground resound with the SOUND of music as we will perform inside a wine cellar, cave and salt mine on 11 June– Pietroasele Wine cellar (Buzău), 19 June – Turda Salt mine (Cluj), 17 September – Valea Cetății Râșnov Cave (Brașov).

Projects 2015

Projects 2014

Proiects 2013

  • Christmas Concert at Cotroceni National Museum – on December 17 th, at 19.00, the Presidential Administration and Cotroceni National Museum invite you  to the Christmas concert performed by SOUND Choir and conducted by Maestro Voicu Popescu. The Cherchez Hall of the Cotroceni National Museum  will host this event .
  • Craciunescu – festival of joy with theatre, jazz and carols – between December 13 and 18, Acuarela will host the Crăciunescu Festival, the Christmas edition of the summer GrădinAcuarela – Grădinesco event. Acuarela will keep its doors open for six days of joy for Christmas jazz, carols and theater. Guests: SOUND Choir (December 13 , 19.00), 3 CIRCLES (December 13 , 20.00), Probleme la Mansarda (theatre, December 14, 20.00), Maria Raducanu (Christmas concert, December  15, 20.00), Story for Grown-ups (Poveste pentru oameni mari, theatre, December 16 decembrie, 20.00), Duo of classic jazz piano, Valentin Humita,  and voice, Andreea Tincea (December 17 decembrie) and PUMPKIN  (christmas carols, December 18).
  • Keeping the faithDecember 11, at Student’s Culture House Bucharest – Christmas charity concert organized by SOUND Cultural Foundation  and Student’s Culture House Bucharest, on an initiative of HAVI Logistics.  All funds were allocated to a a young men in desperate need of medical help.
  • Cherish life” (Preţuieşte viaţa)December 1st, show broadcast on the national TV TVR1, with Romanian Military Band and Sound Choir.
  • “Ziua Națională SUBCARPAȚINovember 30,  at 21.30, Atelierul de Productie3 years of SUBCARPATI. Opening acts CORUL SOUND & TREI PARALE. 1000 tickets will be available upon entrance at 25 RON/ ticket.
  • East Centric Architecture Triennale 2013, with the Trans(ap)parencie s themeOctober 19, at 20.00, SOUND Choir will hold one concert in Mogoşoaia Palace and, on October 27th, at 17.00, another one in Știrbei Palace  where a wide repertoire of choral pieces varying from  traditional Romanian songs, to madrigals, gospels, Byzantine and Gregorian music or jazz will be heard.
  • Imbold NativSeptember 21st, Acuarela – Imbold Cultural Association will host  an event dedicated to art and artists inspired by authentic Romanian folklore and traditions. Acuarela will provide the proper background for an incursion in the Romanian choral folklore led by Sound Choir (conductor Voicu Popescu).
  • Flashmob for promoting the Health for Mothers and Babies Program (SAMAS)on September 21st, the streets of the old town of Bucharest will be flooded with accords from  Kayama by Karl Jenkins (Adiemus), performed by  SOUND Choir.
  •  “A Midsummer Night in the Minovici Orchard”June 23rd – a wonderful cultural event taking place in a very relaxing environment where all arts met and blended together in an extraordinary mix.
  • Ave Maria! A Sacred Music Concert – June 21st, at 20.00 – The gracious and warm Italian Church in Bucharest will host SOUND Choir while performing and extraordinary religious concert that will blend wonderfully composed works from the Catholic, Orthodox and Gospel repertoire.
  • Hortus Florshow Romania 16-19 May, 2013, event dedicated to Romanian Horticulture Days held in Bucharest within the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (USAMV) campus, under the patronage of  Romanian Horticulture Society and promoted by ATS Florovivaistica Italiana. On May 17th, at 19.30, the USAMV dendrological park will host the musical compliments to flowers paid by panpipe player Nicolae Voiculet,  SOUND Choir and two students of the University.
  • Village Museum’s 77th Anniversary 17 – 19 May, 2013, the National Village Museum “Dimitrie Gusti” celebrates its 77th birthday and, at the same time,  pays homage to the Saints Constantine and Helen. On Friday,  17 May, all events are dedicated to Village Museum’s creators  – outdoor exhibitions, live demonstrations of craftsmanship, musical performances (SOUND Choir among others), choreographic, theatrical and poetry shows.

Proiects 2012

  • Romanian Christmas Traditions and Rituals. IInd Edition Friday 07 December, Sala Dalles  – SOUND Choir will hold “The Christmas Tale” concert. The special guest will be Prof. Dr. Corneliu Ioan Bucur who will talk about his book  ,,Primer Book and Etymology Dictionary”’. Parents, children and teachers are all invited to this event  which is part of  the project “Romania – A New Perspective: People, Places and  Traditions” – an initiative aimed at raising awareness among the new generations about preserving, capitalizing and developing our national material and immaterial patrimony. This Project was initiated in 2010 by SC Bonsi Business Group, which is the  also the organizer of this event.
  • SOUND & SONG’s – Saturday, November 17th, CCS Hall of (Student’s Culture House Bucharest, 2nd floor) –  on Students’ International Day, SOUND Choir and director Voicu Popescu will offer an extraordinary concert to the CCS public. You will hear long lost carols singing of ancient Romanian traditions which were gathered on a mini CD – a cultural project supported by the Student’s Culture House Bucharest  and financed by Romanian National Cultural Fund Administration. Entrance is free.
  • A Christmas Tale  – Wednesday, November the 14th, Sala Pod of a Student’s Culture House Bucharest will host the Press Conference and CD launch of the Christmas Tale CD, a project financed by the Romanian National Cultural Fund Administration. Entrance is free.
  • Songs for Nadine. Charitable concert – Thursday, 11.10.2012, Dianei Patru – SOUND Choir conducted by Voicu Popescu, Adrian Naidin, Lily and the White Tiger, Vlad (Coughy) and Bogdan (Casetofoane) invite you to a charitable concert aimed at raising funds for a Romanian family from Syria so that they can take refuge from the war there.
  • Tradition and Craftsmanship – 10.10.2012, Mihail Jora studio of Romanian Radio Broadcasting  Company. The Anton Pann Association for Culture and Tradition, Radio Romania Musical and SOUND Cultural Foundation are the patrons of this concert where Anton Pann Old Music Vocal – Instrumental Ensemble will perform alongside its guests – the graduates of  Traditional Oriental Musical Instruments classes.  This event is part of the “Tradition and Craftsmanship MasterClass of  Traditional Instruments”, financed by the  Romanian National Cultural Fund Administration”, and it’s aimed at promoting all instruments that were in use within Romanian territories until the end of XIX century and that are still in use in Turkey, Greece and the entire Orient. The repertoire comprises works of Dimitrie Cantemir, Ali Ufki, Anton Pann, Eşrefzâde Rumî, and others.
  • SONORITA ConcertsSOUND Choir and Cantica Nova Choir performed on August 29th 2012,  at “Romanian Ministry of National Cultural Heritage , and on September the 1st 2012, at Reduta Cultural Center Brasov. This was a cultural project financed by  the Romanian National Cultural Fund Administration”Cantica Nova Choir, from Milazzo, Sicily, conducted by Maestro  Francesco Saverio Messina, performed the following works: Gloria (dalla Missa Brevis) de  Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, Notre père – Maurice Duruflè, Gia’ mi trovai di maggio – Bruno Bettinelli, Funiculi’, funicula’ – pop. Napoletano – l. Denza – elab. Dario pino, E vui durmiti ancora – pop. Siciliano – Formisano-Calì – elab. Giuseppe Mignemi, Obladi’, oblada’ – j. Lennon/p. Mccartney – elab. Keith Abbs sau Don’t Worry, be Happy – Bobby Mcferrin – elab. Kirby Shaw.   SOUND Choir was conducted by Maestro Voicu Popescu.
  •  Village Museum’s 76th Anniversary (1936-2012)Romanian National Village Museum Dimitrie Gusti will host a 4 days anniversary event: Seasons. The visitors can take part in interactive workshops organized by Romanian craftsmen, visit various exhibitions and  listen to Romanian, Irish and other ethnic groups’  folklore music. On May 17th, SOUND choir will give a short  performance at 16.30 -+ 17.00 pm.
  • Extraordinary Choral Concert at Radio Hall – VOICU POPESCU will conduct: SOUND Choir (Students’ Cultural House in Bucharest), Romanian Radio Children’s Choir (piano: Camelia Chiţibea, percussion: Ilinca Lorentz, solo: Florina Ilie) şi National Chamber Choir “Madrigal” (piano: Raluca Ouatu, soloists: Mihai Cârstea şi Ionuţ Popescu). Presenter: Sorina Goia.
  • Azi cu toţi să prăznuim – National Village Museum “Dimitrie Gusti” hosted Easter-related events between April 6 – 8.  Craftsmanship workshops, folklore and religious music recitals and Easter specific  goodies were on display.
  • World Choir Games in Cincinnati, between July 3rd and 14th. The Choir Olympic Games are an international choir festival taking place every two years on different continents and it is the biggest choir competition worldwide. Its main goal is to peacefully unify singing people and nations connected by song in a fair competition. No matter on which artistic level one is working – whether singing for pleasure or reaching for artistic stars – all participants celebrate this amazing festival of music, as music is the common language of the world! For financial reasons, SOUND Choir was unable to take part in th competition.