Conductor Voicu Popescu was born in Bucharest over 50 years ago and he graduated the National Music University of Bucharest in 1975. He began his activity dedicated to choral art as a member of the National Chamber Choir “Madrigal”conducted by Master Marin Constantin. Afterwards, he collaborated with this ensemble as choir master and artistic director. In 1994 he founded the SOUND Choir and The Cultural Foundation “Sound”, through which he organized choral festivals, symposiums and master classes in Romania and participated at many artistic events all over the country and abroad. Presently, Maestro Voicu Popescu conducts Romanian Radio Children’s Choir and SOUND Choir. Biography
- Late 2011 till June 2014, he took over the National Chamber Choir “Madrigal”
- From 1988 – present, he has conducted the Romanian Radio Children’s Choir;
- He’s founded and conducted the SOUND Choir since 1994;
- Between February – May 2000, he developed many artistic activities of the Romanian Broadcasting Society Academic Choir;
- During 1996 – 1997– he was assistant conductor and artistic conductor of National Chamber Choir “Madrigal”;
- From 1994 – 1996 – he held lectures for the vocal ensamble class at the Music-Hall Section within the Ecological University, Bucharest;
- For 8 years (1980 – 1988), he was musical director for the National Television;
- During 1975 – 1980, he performed as a liric artist in the National Chamber Choir “Madrigal”.
Professional Experience:
- 2011 – Conducting the SOUND choir, the two win the Ist Prize in ‘Popular, Folk, Gospel and Barbershop Music’ category and IInd Prize in ‘Mixed Choirs Adults’ in “International Krakow Choir Festival ‘Cracovia Cantans‘”; this year, Mr. Popescu was appointed judge in the jury of International Ohrid Choir Festival, Macedonia, and he will hold an workshop on the choral tradition of orthodox music at the International Choir Festival Corearte, Barcelone, Spain.
- 2010 – He is awarded the Grand Prix and a Special Prize for the best performance of a composition by a Macedonian author at the International Ohrid Choir Festival, Macedonia.
- 2008 – conductor and choir receive a Silver Medal in the a cappella folklore category and a Gold Medal in the mixed chamber choir category at Choir Olympics in Graz, Austria.
- 2005 – a Gold Medal and a Special Prize for the Best conductor of the festival were obtained at the 9th edition of the “International Choral Competition at Preveza“. In November 2005, he was the artistic director of the International Choral Festival «The Balkans Music», an ample event mentioned in the International Choral Bulletin published by the International Federation for Choral Music.
- During the Choral Olympics in Bremen, in July 2004, he was chosen member of the International Olympic Council.
- On the 9th of Sept. 2003, he was awarded the “Cultural Merrit” Medal, class III, by the President of Romania
- In April 2002 he was appointed President of the Nationl Bureau for Romania by the EU Choir Federation
- Between 2000 – 2006, he was invited by the Cantascuola Association, in Piemonte, Italia, to participate in the CORI DI GIUNIO project and he held a course of choral artistry for children choirs in the Piemonte region in front of 25 choir conductors.
- In July 1999, he took part in the Vth International Symposium or Choral Music organized by the International Federation of Choral Music (IFCM) on Rotterdam, Holland. In December 1999, he is designated councilor within the Executive Committee of IFCM.
- He organized and held a workshop called “Vocal expression” at the “Ranssegna Internazionale di Voci Bianche” in Torino, Italy, in 1997.
- In 1996, the SOUND Cultural Foundation is created and, since then, he took charge of developing annual projects meant to raise awareness of children and youth education through the art of singing. He coordinated and organized the National Symposium for Choral Music in Sinaia, the Children and Youth Choir Festival in Busteni, the Master Class for Choir Conductors in Sinaia and Bucharest. Other projects involved the publishing of Romanian contemporary composers’ music, and the printing of the “A capella” Journal, dedicated to choral and choir-related activity and events.
- He received the Ist Prize “Suma cum laudae” with the Children’s Choir at the European Festival for Youth Music in Neerpelt, Belgium, in 1996.
- SOUND Choir is founded in 1994 at the Students Cultural House in Bucharest and, since 1995, they’ve started their mutual artistic activity: recitals in Bucharest, various participations in different radio and TV shows (Radio România, Pro FM, Radio Contact, TVR, Pro TV si Tele 7 abc). Together with SOUND Choir, he won a lot of high distinctions.
- In 1993, he was awarded the Jubilee Medal “Madrigal the XXXth anniversary” and the “Una Vita Per L’Arte” medal from the “Madrigal – Marin Constantin” Foundation.
- Since 1989, he and conductor Eugenia Vacarescu were actively involved in the artistic preparation and organization of Romanian Radio Children’s Choir events: special radio recordings, “a cappella” concerts, collaborations with vocal-symphonic orchestras of various institutions. He has participated in more than 40 international events with Children’s Choir in Europe, USA, Canada and Japan.
- 1974 – 1988 – participated in all artistic events, tours, national and international festivals of the National Chamber Choir “Madrigal”, conducted by Marin Constantin.
- He founded amateur choir groups and won numerous diplomas and awards in various nationals competitions and festivals.
Book references:
- “Constelatia Madrigal” Marin Constantin in dialog cu Iosif Sava-1993 – Madrigal Constellation – Conversation between conductor Marin Constantin and Iosif Sava ;
- “Madrigalul sau magia sunetelor” de Grigore Constantinescu-1996 – The Madrigal and the Magic of Sounds by Grigore Constantinescu-1996;
- “Primavara muzicii” de Grigore Constantinescu-2000 – The Spring of Music by Grigore Constantinescu-2000;
- “The Contemporary Who’s Who” 2002/2003, American Biographical Institute.